A stimulus that impacts our thoughts, feelings and actions is a “TRIGGER”. It can be both positive and negative and has infinite potential to Spark a Positive Change in our life.
The SOURCE, CircleX.in
The Abundance Triggers are are the weekly FOCUS Points to contemplate and to trigger the SHIFT the Perspective of your life.

A trigger is a mental, emotional or a physical stimulus that alter the state of being. It impacts our thoughts, emotions and actions, both positively and negatively.
It has INFINITE POTENTIAL, direct and indirect influence and inherit possibilities to SHIFT our mindset. The Abundance Triggers change the direction of of our thoughts impacting the flow of life, in a subtle, sometimes sudden and shocking way.
These TRIGGERS can be raised wither by recall of an event, experience related to some past instance, a pleasant or tragic moment in our life, a person or just listening to some words, even smelling a peculiar fragrance.
As it has infinite potential, in different potency or degree of influence, it either elevates our ambitions or drain our energies. Abundance Triggers has potential power to rejuvenate the joy, happiness, love or empathy in us and shield the stimulus to evoke anger, frustration, sadness or feeling of rejection, anxiety in us.
Right application with awareness and continuous self-awareness practice shift the mindset which usually coax us to behave or react in a certain pre-defined, pre-programmed way.

The PURPOSE of ABUNDANCE & HAPPINESS TRIGGERS at CIRCLEX is to enable participants to GET AWARE of these conscious , unconscious or sub-conscious behaviour patterns and CHANGE them by CHOICE and CLARITY.
The Abundance Journey is the process of getting such triggers, get aware of their impact on our thoughts and feelings, our default behaviour / habitual pattern and apply the CHOICE – the choice to Reject the unwanted Scarcity based Trigger or Embrace the Abundance Triggers for Health, Happiness and Harmony in life.
The Abundance & Happiness Triggers serves us and strengthen our Pure Potential Possibilities for ‘Experiencing & Expressing‘ our Excellence, exponentially.
That’s the way to B.L.I.S.S – The Infinite Abundance & Supreme Happiness for Manifestation of Meaningful Life & Purposeful Work.
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