Abundance Tips

A TIP is usually defined as a small piece of useful advice or information, esp. something secret or not generally known about something practical to do. It is helpful for completing the task or achieving the set target.

Every human being is seeking Abundance & Happiness (BLISS). That’s the only meaning of Life and purpose of Work. The only issue is we don’t have enough guidance and clarity to follow the Ultimate Goal of Life and we lack the systematic framework – the simple step-by-step process to adopt the system of self-transformation.

Every Year we all have 365 Day / 52 Weeks / 12 Months to practice these simple steps to connect to our Abundance Point. If we simply set a system to remind us every hour, every day, about the sole ‘Passion & Purpose‘ of life and work, we are sure that lot many individuals will be able to connect with ‘The Source‘ and get transformed in the process.

That is why we created 8760 Abundance Tips (365 Days x 24 Hours/day = 8760 hours) as hourly reminder, so that we come back to the set point, connect with ‘The Source‘ and Manifest the Abundance and Happiness in the process.

For sincere seekers we have a dedicated set of 8760 Excellence Tips* for realizing and releasing your Pure Potential Possibilities and to connect with your innate Abundance & Happiness for Meaningful Life.

8760 Tips for Manifesting ABUNDANCE & HAPPINESS in Life & Work

Note: 1. For some individuals, few of the Abundance Tips might act as the end of a pointed issue or projecting object (read challenge) , which might lead you to a new pathway leading to total transformation. So Get Ready to shatter your Scarcity-driven mindset / perceptions and Be Ready to accept the flow of abundant energy (happiness) in your life.

2. * Excellence Tips = Applied Abundance Tips – Knowing is not enough, application of right knowledge at the right time is the Key for 100xSuccess i.e. Abundantly Happier Life / Work.